Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Top Ten Tuesdays: Scariest Stories Lucia's Ever Read
Honestly, I wasn't sure how to go about this weeks Halloween themed topic when I saw it at the Broke and the Bookish . Generally I don't read anything horror-related for the simple reason that I'm the world's biggest wimp. Anyway, I thought I'd put my own spin on things.
Georgy Porgy by Roald Dahl. This story creeps me out in so many ways. In fact it took a lot of courage to actually get to the end. Although a lot of Dahl's stories make my skin crawl. I was also terrified of The Witches as a kid.
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. Worst book I've ever half-read. The main thing which frightened me was the shameful quality of the writing.
The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas. While this is a very well written novel by Australian author Tsiolkas, the amount of fowl language used absolutely mortified me. The book is very intimate when it comes to the characters thoughts. What really got to me was the fact that somewhere in the back of my head I know what people are like and how they think (and average, genuine and kind people, I'm not talking about true monsters) but this book made me come face to face with it.
Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath. Technically not a story but oh how I love this poem. It simultaneously makes my teeth curl with Plath's directness and draws me in at the same time.
Blackbird House by Alice Hoffman. Hoffman is one of my favorite authors. This is a series of short stories all woven around rickety Blackbird House which has something eerie seeping from it. They are the kind that sent a light shiver down my spine when I read them, mainly because of Hoffman's lyrical style.
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Zafon's gothic novel has a ghostly undertone. I loved his use of suspense, even if I didn't want to read it when nobody else was home (see my introduction paragraph).
Sophie's Choice by William Styron. This was the first really intense book I read about the Second World War. I was petrified at how revolting people think and behave. Does anyone else think that this book is at least mildly autobiographical?
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K Rowling. Alright, so it was scary the first time I read it. It always got to me how You Know Who was not even a solid form and he could do harm. For me, the scariest of the series. I'm interested to know, what was yours?
The Writing Class by Jincy Willett. This book is partly suspenseful and partly disgustingly creepy, but mostly funny and very well written.