Saturday, February 12, 2011

Book Lists

Post by Ingrid

I love lists. I especially love lists of books. (I think Christina does too, judging by her last few posts.) One list I particularly admire is Jillian's 300 list. I've found that reading a lot of books provides a special opportunity to make lists of these books, specifically books read and to be read. Let me take a moment to  tell you about my lists.

First, I have a Moleskine address book that I bought in Paris in 2007 (I even wrote "Paris 2007" in the front cover) to keep track of my books. I list books under each section by the author's last name. I write books I want to read in pencil, and books that I've read in pen. Next the title I sometimes write who recommended it to me.

Next, I have a Goodreads account, which is probably the list of books I've actually read that I update the most often. I give each book I read a rating out of 5 stars (which I usually apply impulsively without much thought, though sometimes I change them later.) This is the list I refer to when updating my other lists.

I also of course have an Amazon wish list, which is where I best keep track of books I want to read but don't own.

Last, I keep a google doc that is based on Max's list from The Millions. On this list I record what what books I read this year, what I'm currently reading, what book is on deck (to be read next), and which books I plan on reading next and in what order. I CONSTANTLY change this last part of the list around, and almost never read the books in the order I list them.

Maybe it seems a little narcissistic to assume you all are interested in the details of my reading lists, but I am always fascinated by other people's reading lists and thought maybe some of you might be interested in mine.

Now PLEASE tell me all about your reading lists.

How do you keep track of books you've read?
How do you keep track of books you want to read?

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Oh, yes, I do indeed love lists very much. I use goodreads and an amazon wish list pretty much the same way you do. And I also have a book journal, where I write everything I want to read, then record the dates I started and finished each book. From the back cover going backwards in the same journal I write all my favorite quotations. I've had the same book journal since 2003, and my book list and Quotes section are finally about to meet in the middle.
I hope we get a bunch of comments on this post; I'm interested in learning about other people's systems so that I can improve mine with the new journal I'll be starting soon. I really like your idea of having a google doc as well- I have a history of losing irreplaceable things, so it'd be good to have a backup.
1 reply · active 736 weeks ago
Sigh. I fear that if I actually came clean about the number of lists that I have for my books, people might laugh at me, or think I'm crazy. I mean, I have literally gone though (and keep a running track of) the 1,0001 Books to Read Before You Die List. In fact, I just updated it today, in preparation for going to the bookstore to buy one from the list (turned out to be Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin). I, too, have Goodreads, Listopia, Visual Bookshelf, Shelfari, Amazon (two accounts, multiple lists on each), word documents, excel spreadsheets, LibraryThing, and a list of "challenge" lists on my own blog's sub-page (RBR Challenges).

It's a little bit insane. It really is. But somehow the insanity keeps me sane? I dunno. haha
5 replies · active 736 weeks ago
II have a Goodreads account too

For a few years I wrote down the titles of ever single book i read in a journal .

Why did I stop ? Can't really say . I guess the really good books that effected me have no need to be documented ; I have them in memory .

I do still write down favorite quotes.

As far as books I want to read , I write them down .

I like to take recommendations from writers that I like .
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I have an OCD habit of spending 30 minutes or so writing random thoughts about every book I finish. I've been doing it since June, 2001 - and the document is now more than 325 single-space typed pages. I think I have a problem. ;)

I use amazon and B&N wishlists to keep track of books I'm interested in. Also, I just resurrected my Goodreads account - looking forward to keeping up with it and that community more.

Great post!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I have a Goodreads account that I don't keep up to date, an Amazon AND a Kindle Wish List, but I most reliably keep the list on my blog. I just realized that I had limited that list to only the books that I review, so I am now beginning to include all and just link to the ones that are reviewed.
1 reply · active 736 weeks ago
To start with I have - My Book Droid, on my phone which links into my GoodREADS, (Twitter & FB) Which is partially repeated on LibraryThing. I then have my Amazon Wishlist & on my Blog my TBR & I've added this year a list page of Books read this year, then there's the challenge list page &, no I think that's it.
3 replies · active 736 weeks ago
Wow, that's involved.

I use a spreadsheet and write book title, author's name, and year I read the book. If I reread there are more columns of years. For books I want I have an Amazon wish list. Now that was all before goodreads. Now I maintain both those and goodreads.

I also have a notebook that I write comments in while I'm reading a book, either for a review or if I just had a reaction to something.

There are some times I wish I kept better track of my thoughts while reading, especially if I read a book too fast because within a year or so I don't even remember the book.
1 reply · active 736 weeks ago
I use Goodreads and a handwritten notebook to track what I've read, and an Amazon wishlist to track what I'd like to read sometime.
1 reply · active 736 weeks ago
I love lists too!

I have a beautiful journal where I write the author and title of any book I complete. I also put down the month and year I completed it.

On my blog I keep track of books I actually own but have not read yet - the number is high, but not nearly as high as many other bloggers out there!

I have a google document where I keep track of books I would like to read but do not own yet. For each of those titles I've looked on my library website and indicated whether the library has a copy, and if it's available to download as an audio book on the NH downloadable site.

I love my lists, even though my husband teases me about my OC behavior!
1 reply · active 736 weeks ago
For someone who loves making to-do lists, I am TERRIBLE at keeping track of my books. Interestingly, that was the number one reason I began the Blue Bookcase -- I have a tendency to forget so much about books, sometimes I forget that I've even read them. So I started The Blue Bookcase to keep track of the books I've read and what I thought of them.

I suppose other than that, I pretty much own a good chunk of the books I've read, as I hate borrowing books. That's probably why I love cramming my bookshelves full-- when I look at it, I feel like I've accomplished a lot -- it's a sort of visual list.

As for books to be read, honestly there are SO MANY books I want to read I find it pretty much pointless to keep a list. I have sort of an ongoing mental list, and then whenever an opportunity presents itself to read a book on it (i.e. I find it cheap at a used bookstore, it goes on sale on the Kindle store, or it happens to be on a class reading list), I read it.
Since 2006, I've kept a spreadsheet of all the books I've read. More recently, I've also started a Goodreads account.

I have a weakness for lists, even bad ones. I check off books from several Great Works lists of classics and have a page on my spreadsheet for the Gaurdian's "1000 Novels You Must Read." I even created a must-read list of my own for my blog: 52 free audiobooks to read in 2011.
Thanks for the mention! :-)

I use Goodreads for the Reads and TBRs, and the 300 list for the ones I need and want to read, now. I'm afraid I'm too in love with typing to go handwritten. :-0
I use Goodreads too, and update obsessively!
We were on the same wavelength today--definitely a topic that's in the air :)

As I mentioned on my post, I used LibraryThing for books I own and books I've read and Goodreads for my wishlist and books I'm currently reading. (Of course, all those books I'm reading eventually become books I've read on GR.) I also have a spreadsheet where I keep track of any review commitments (and I don't make many of those) or blogging events that involve reading a particular book.
Oh I'm such a nerd. I found Goodreads and it was love at first sight, I spent a manic weekend keying in all the books I own and still occasionally go out there just looking for books that I know I've read but don't have on my lists already. I like to keep all of my lists there, because otherwise it gets ridiculous... Good luck with your list making!
I think that this is another one of those things that us book nerds have in common. I keep track of my books a couple of different ways. I use Goodreads, and also have two different spreadsheets that I use to track my progress. I found a really cool one that converts the info in graphs, but I haven't plugged my info that one yet.
I love lists, and lists of books!
How do I keep track of books I've read? I use also a small address book type notebook, and put the put under the last name of the author. I add (A) after the title for audiobooks, and (GN) for graphic novels. At the end of the notebook, I have a column for each year, and I put a mark under each letter where I added a title I read, so that at the end I can add quickly how many books I read.
But I also have a much more detailed list. It shows as finished. At the end of 2011, it will look like: except I may recap the whole list of books read by month. I use this template and update it as I read along, in a Google doc. at the bottom of the doc, I do write all the titles I have just read.
I try to post a review right away.
and I do a monthly recapitulation, such as:

How do you keep track of books you want to read?
I have a google doc. I add titles as I stumble upon them, mainly going thru book blogs. at the end of the week, I post this list, in my weekly 'Good books for your week-end', see for instance last week post:
And I move these titles up in my google doc, so that I'll not post them again.
Thanks for the question, that was fun sharing.
Emma @ Words And Peace
This is such a fun topic.

All of my books are cataloged in an Excel spreadsheet. They are listed in alphabetical order by author's last name, then the title. I also keep track of the pages, genre, my five star rating, and the last month/year I read the book. Anything I haven't read is highlighted blue. It is obsessive, but I love it.

I also keep a notebook on my desk where I list each book i read every month in the year. I've been doing that since 2008.

I also have a goodreads account, but since I just joined, it only has what I have recently read.
I used to keep a list of books I read, back in the 90's when my goal was to read one book a month. I don't think about tracking anymore, I let my blog be my list. I use Goodreads to track books that pique my interest. I can visit my account from my phone (while at a bookstore). I also don't like goodreads ratings... the stars should be defined 5 star to me means something different than to someone else.

Great topic!
Lists...hmmm. I make a wish list through the Barnes and Noble site of ebooks I wish to purchase at some point. (Right now I am trying to read as many books as I own and haven't read and as many free classics from

I also make lists using, on my page there. I record all the books I read on that site. I joined as a lifetime member in 2007. I entered in all the books I had tracked using a datasheet since 2003. No more datasheets for me. I LOVE librarything.

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