Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Ingrid's Favorite Topics

It's a Top Ten Tuesday freebie day! I thought today I'd quickly list my top ten favorite topics. A hint to authors and publishers - if your book fits into one of these categorize, I will more than likely love to review your book on this blog.
via Mint Tea and a Good Book

Polygamy. This is probably my longest standing obsession. I devour polygamy memoirs, like this one.

Titanic. I like Titanic books as a kid, but with the recent centenary I got into it again. The Julian Fellowes miniseries made me sad though. Annie and Pablo!!!!!!!! :'( :'(. Also see here.

Books about books or reading. Because I'm meta like that.

Napoleon or the Napoleonic wars. This was kind of a summer 2009 thing, but I'm always down to read more about my favorite little military commander.

Native American history/mythology. Because of my husband, also cause it's cool.

Mormon history. See post coming tomorrow.

Downton Abbey-ish books. I recently acquired this through Netgalley. Yay.

Girls coming of age fiction/memoirs, like this little gem that I'm loving right now.

Literary Theory/Translation studies. In moderation, of course.

Women's Studies/Feminism, especially memoirs like this one.

Any suggestions for me that fit in these categories? Send them my way! I'm all over it. 

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What an awesome list and what potential for sub-lists within each. Now I'm off to explore more of your favorites!
And I love books about books and reading too!
I have to agree about bildungsromans (hello A Tree Grows in Brooklyn) and Downton Abbey-ish books.
For me it's also any books about 9/11 (The Usual Rules, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close)
Anything about WWII (Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed, The Book Thief)
Depression/Mental Health (The Bell Jar, Dogs of Babel)
Family stuff... (Housekeeping, Behind the Scenes of the Museum)
Scifi in a literary way (like Never Let Me Go, The Immortal life of Hennrieta Lacks)
Books that take place in France (Paris to the Moon, Suite Francais)
Books written in epistolary form (Feeling Sorry for Celia)
Books with different characters narrating (The Poisonwood Bible)
Books that could be young adult but adults enjoy too (harry potter ha)
Health/Medicine related (I actually need to read more in this category, but I'm assuming I'd like it)

that was fun and quick and easy. great idea for a list!
omg, really??? I'm obsessed with polygamy books - I thought I was the only one! I'll read any and all books fiction or non-fiction about any kind of cult, really.
Have you read LOST BOY by Brent Jeffs? I liked it - a book from the boys' perspective. They live in fear of being kicked out of their community for the smallest infraction (less competition for young wives that way) and are frequently married off in arranged marriages to women they can't stand (as church elders realized that happily married men are less likely to agree to plural marriages) Fascinating stuff!
Regarding Mormon history...have you ever read The Night Journal by Elizabeth Crook? I really enjoyed that.

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