Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Ingrid's TBR for Fall 2012

It's been a long time since we've done a Top Ten Tuesday post, but obviously I had to show you my exciting TBR list for Fall 2012, because TBR lists are the most fun lists to write. 

Possession by A.S. Byatt. Derik and I recently moved to Colorado, and sadly I had to leave my wonderful book club behind. This month they chose to read Possession, a book I've owned for awhile now and keep having recommended to me. I figured that even though I won't be able to make it to the meeting, now is a good a time as ever to read it. I started it a few days ago. 

Modernism: A Very Short Introduction by Christopher Butler. I'm working on applying to grad school right now, and in my personal statement I have to outline my specific academic goals. I think I want to focus on some aspect of Modernism, so I plan on brushing up a bit. 

In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower by Marcel Proust. The apartment we moved into is very tiny, so we only brought one box of books. Derik insisted on bringing the entire In Search of Lost Time series he just finished reading last spring. Proust is hard, but he writes about emotion in the most beautiful and complex way. Plus I like reading Derik's annotations. 

How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran. Harper Perennial kindly sent me a review copy to write about on this blog. I've been hearing a lot of hype about this one. I'd like to know how to be a woman. 

Only a Promise of Happiness: The Place of Beauty in a World of Art by Alexander Nehamas. One of my nerd-ish books I've been wanting to read for awhile. I don't read a lot of academic books, but there are a few scholars out there like Alexander Nehamas that I like to keep on my radar. 

Orlando by Virginia Woolf. One of the few books I packed in my small box. Connie LOVES Virginia Woolf, and I want to love her too! I've only read To the Lighthouse and A Room of One's Own and was impressed with both. I'm ready for some more Virginia. 

The Financial Lives of the Poets by Jess Walter. After reading Jess Walter's newest book Beautiful Ruins a few weeks ago, I'm eager to read some of his earlier stuff. 

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. After seeing that stupid Miracle Whip commercial about a million times on Xfinity on demand while watching Breaking Bad, I realized I should probably read The Scarlet Letter at some point in my life. I don't like that left-out feeling I get when I see a parody of a book I haven't read. Gotta fix that. 

The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith. Picked up a used copy of this one at the Boulder Bookstore recently. After watching a beautifully made French adaptation of this book made in the 1960's called Purple Moon, I'm curious about the book. 

Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed. Wild is by far one of my favorite reads so far this year. I've been a fan of Dear Sugar for awhile, so I know that when I eventually get ahold of this book I'll love it too. 

Have you read any of the books on my list? What did you think? Any suggestions for where I should start once I finish Possession?