Welcome to this week's Literary Blog Hop hosted by The Blue Bookcase!
This blog hop is open to blogs that primarily feature book reviews of literary fiction, classic literature, and general literary discussion.
How do I know if my blog qualifies as "literary"? Literature has many definitions, but for our purposes your blog qualifies as "literary" if it focuses primarily on texts with aesthetic merit. In other words, texts that show quality not only in narrative but also in the effect of their language and structure. YA literature may fit into this category, but if your blog focuses primarily on non-literary YA, fantasy, romance, paranormal romance, or chick lit, you may prefer to join the blog hop at Crazy-for-books that is open to book blogs of all kinds.
Instructions for entering the Literary Blog Hop:
1. Grab the code for the Button.
2. Answer the following prompt on your blog:
(Suggestions for future prompts? Email them to us at thebluebookcase@gmail.com)
What is one of your literary pet peeves? Is there something that writers do that really sets your teeth on edge? Be specific, and give examples if you can.
Our answer this week comes from Christina:
I have lots of readerly pet peeves. Any kind of punctuation or grammatical error is almost always an automatic deal-breaker, but I'm pretty sure everyone within the Literary Blogging world will agree with me there. So I feel like I need to come up with something a little more original. Luckily, Mr. Dave Eggers has recently reminded me of one thing writers do that I HATE. See if you can spot it:
Yeah. Dialogue that goes on for more than a page without a single "he said" or "she said." I inevitably lose track of who is saying what, and then I'm just muddling through, waiting for the author to throw me a frickin' bone, some kind of hint, so that I can get back on track. Often I'll read the entire excerpt several times, trying to picture the conversation correctly. Sometimes I get so confused that I actually wonder if the author himself forgot which character was which.
Is anyone else bothered by this? Plenty of good, literary writers do it! It drives me berserk!
(P.S. - The above photo is from A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. My review of it will be up Friday.)
3. Add your link to the Linky List below.
Happy Hopping!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
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Literary Blog Hop: Dec 9-12
Christina|Literary Blog Hop|
Risa · 745 weeks ago
My pet peeve can be found here: http://breadcrumbreads.blogspot.com/2010/12/liter... ^_^
Btw, this is my first blog hop and I'm really looking forward to taking part regularly and meeting new people!
duskyliterati 47p · 745 weeks ago
SarahReads2Much 43p · 745 weeks ago
Ben · 745 weeks ago
emeire 34p · 745 weeks ago
Jennifer · 745 weeks ago
"He's drunk now," he said.
"He's drunk every night."
According, to the editor (and, I think, the logic of the passage) BOTH lines are spoken by the same person. He really didn't give us a chance on that one. I agree, that's annoying.
Amy · 745 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 745 weeks ago
Greg Zimmerman · 745 weeks ago
RoseCityReader 60p · 745 weeks ago
Rose City Reader
winstonsdad 43p · 745 weeks ago
Mayowa · 745 weeks ago
I think my literary pet peeve is a lack of forward momentum...I don't like reading pages and pages of prose just waiting for something to actually happen...note to self "look over WIP again to make sure you're not doing this." hehe
Thanks for hosting as always.
Parrish · 745 weeks ago
Sarah · 745 weeks ago
Long dialouge is confusing!
Page_Turners 87p · 745 weeks ago
Orhedea · 745 weeks ago
sadmachine 38p · 745 weeks ago
My pet peeve is stylistic laziness - you know, those authors who take advantage of having a well-established style and "rip off" their own style when writing later books.
_Bethany_ 93p · 745 weeks ago
I hate Info Dumps - http://subtlemelodrama.blogspot.com/2010/12/liter...
Emily Crowe · 745 weeks ago
Bookeater · 745 weeks ago
Susan · 745 weeks ago
I had trouble coming up with a pet peeve, because I kept thinking of exceptions. I was left with a type of story I try to avoid.
@ratsinabag · 745 weeks ago
Maybe it is because authors get self conscious of having too many he saids or she saids but when you're reading you barely know them. Either that or they think it makes the conversation seem more real-time and fast. In a real conversation though you don't need to be told whose saying what though...
I've never done this blog hop - and I hope to catch up with some other people's entries over the weekend.
Bibliophiliac · 745 weeks ago